Enrolment Info
Enrolment Information
To help with our planning, we encourage you to enrol your child at least 3 months before they are due to start school.
Most children born in New Zealand are eligible to commence school on the day of their 5th birthday.
When enrolling at Corinna School, you will need to bring the following with you:
A copy of your child's birth certificate
A copy of their immunisation certificate
Their passport and evidence of residency/student visa (if born overseas)
Your passport if you - the parent - are born overseas
Proof of address e.g. letter with name and address of parent/caregiver
For more information regarding enrolment and zoning, please click: here
Ka ora, ka ako
Free healthy lunches in schools
Corinna School is apart of the Lunches in Schools program meaning your child will receive lunch every single day.
Fruit will also be available at morning tea time.